Hola, AMIGo. we need a few details from you.

Welcome to the DraftedClub application process. We have a few questions to get to know you better.

Hi Tom. what value would you bring to the network?

We like to keep the quality high to ensure all members can bring value to the community.

Please answer truthfully and be as specific/detailed as possible. Provide examples to back up your claims where necessary.

Great. Pick the most accurate category to describe yourself.

Select based on your primary source of income.


This will help us ensure the right people get the right help inside the network.

if you are a business owner, please enter your company website.

If this doesn't apply to you, please enter n/a.

please provide your linkedin and/or instagram.

Enter at least one. Make sure they are public.

If you don't have one of the accounts enter n/a.

what are you looking to gain from draftedclub?

Enjoying the journey together is just as important to us as the work.

what do you do outside of work?

Enjoying the journey together is just as important to us as the work.

what is your biggest professional goal for the next 6-12 months?

Be specific. This will help us curate the network around your needs to make sure we can help drive your results.

what is your biggest pERSONAL goal for the next 6-12 months?

Be specific. This will help us curate the network around your needs to make sure we can help drive your results.

ALright Tom, last question.

Our core memberships is £297 per/quarter.

For the same cost as your daily coffee's, you get to surround yourself with people who will supercharge your growth and help you reach heights that wouldn't be possible alone.

Please confirm you are able to proceed if you're application is successful.

Note: If not but you truly think you can provide exceptional value, please still submit your application.

Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.
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